Thursday 22 April 2010


More of an illustration but I like it so -shrugs-. The character is Neil Gaiman's Death from the Sandman series. Wikipedia desrcibes her as:

Physically, Death is also opposite to the traditional western culture personification of death. In The Sandman, Death instead appears as an attractive, pale young goth woman dressed in casual clothes - often a black top and jeans. She also wears a silver ankh on a chain around her neck, and has a marking similar to the eye of horus around her right eye. She is pleasant, down-to-earth, perky, and has been a nurturing figure for both incarnations of Dream. This irony has helped make Death one of the most popular characters from Sandman. Death was named the fifteenth greatest comic book character by Empire Magazine.

Monday 19 April 2010

Beatae Memeoriae

Here's a story by Liam Gray and me- Matt Watson. The black and white parts were drawn in negative. The colours are watercolour with white acrylic. The title is latin for 'Beautiful Memory'.

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